performance dates

26th of October and 2nd of November 2023- National theatre Belgrade- Infinitas/ Poema

27th of October 2023- Student Cultural Center Belgrade- Femine

21th of September 2023-Student Cultural Center Belgrade- Liar

05th of August 2023- Festival Arearea, Venzone- Plenir

25th of July 2023- Festival Purgatorije- Measure of pleasure 2

30th of June 2023- Madlenianum Opera&Theatre Beograd- Femine

29th of June 2023- Cultural Station Barka Novi sad- Femine

27th of June 2023- Sarajevo War Theatre BIH/ Dani savremenog plesa BIH- Measure of pleasure 2

26th of June 2023- Sarajevo War Theatre BIH/ Dani savremenog plesa BIH- Plenir

17th of June 2023-National theatre Belgrade- Infinitas/ Poema

10th of June 2023- Festival Let’s Play Trieste- Plenir

3rd and 4th of April 2023- Teatro Stabile Slovene Trieste- Plenir

11th of February 2023- Plesni Forum Celje-Measure of pleasure 2

14th of January 2023- Actis Trieste- Measure of pleasure

7th of January 2023- Zagreb dance centre- Measure of pleasure